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  A/Sao Paulo/H1N1
A/Sao Paulo/H1N1


GenBank: GQ247724.1

Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 4 hemagglutin (HA) gene, complete cds

LOCUS GQ247724 1701 bp cRNA linear VRL 08-JUN-2009
DEFINITION Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1)) segment 4
hemagglutin (HA) gene, complete cds.
VERSION GQ247724.1 GI:239504533
DBLINK Project:37813
SOURCE Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
ORGANISM Influenza A virus (A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009(H1N1))
Viruses; ssRNA negative-strand viruses; Orthomyxoviridae;
Influenzavirus A.

REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 1701)

AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.S., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.

TITLE Human infection with novel swine H1N1 influenza virus in Sao Paulo,

JOURNAL Unpublished

REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 1701)

AUTHORS de Paiva,T.M., Santos,C.S., Silva,D.B., Correa,K.O., Ishida,M.A.,
Benega,M.A. and Sacchi,C.
TITLE Direct Submission
JOURNAL Submitted (05-JUN-2009) Respiratory Virus Section, Adolfo Lutz
Institute, Av. Dr. Arnaldo 355, Sao Paulo, SP 01246/902, Brazil
COMMENT Swine influenza A (H1N1) virus isolated during human swine flu
outbreak of 2009.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1701
/organism="Influenza A virus (A/Sao
/mol_type="viral cRNA"
/strain="A/Sao Paulo/1454/2009"
/isolation_source="nasal swab"
/host="Homo sapiens; gender M; age 26"
/note="lineage: swl
first MDCK cell passage"
gene 1..1701
CDS 1..1701
1 atgaaggcaa tactagtagt tctgctatat acatttgcaa ccgcaaatgc agacacatta
61 tgtataggtt atcatgcgaa caattcaaca gacactgtag acacagtact agaaaagaat
121 gtaacagtaa cacactctgt taaccttcta gaagacaagc ataacgggaa actatgcaaa
181 ctaagagggg tagccccatt gcatttgggt aaatgtaaca ttgctggctg gatcctggga
241 aatccagagt gtgaatcact ctccacagca agctcatggt cctacattgt ggaaacatct
301 agttcagaca atggaacgtg ttacccagga gatttcatcg attatgagga gctaagagag
361 caattgagct cagtgtcatc atttgaaagg tttgagatat tccccaagac aagttcatgg
421 cccaatcatg actcgaacaa aggtgtaacg gcagcatgtc ctcatgctgg agcaaaaagc
481 ttctacaaaa atttaatatg gctagttaaa aaaggaaatt catacccaaa gctcagcaaa
541 tcctacatta atgataaagg gaaagaagtc ctcgtgctat ggggcattca ccatccatct
601 actagtgctg accaacaaag tctctatcag aatgcagatg catatgtttt tgtggggtca
661 tcaagataca gcaagaagtt caagccggaa atagcaataa gacccaaagt gagggatcaa
721 gaagggagaa tgaactatta ctggacacta gtagagccgg gagacaaaat aacattcgaa
781 gcaactggaa atctagtggt accgagatat gcattcgcaa tggaaagaaa tgctggatct
841 ggtattatca tttcagatac accagtccac gattgcaata caacttgtca gacacccaag
901 ggtgctataa acaccagcct cccatttcag aatatacatc cgatcacaat tggaaaatgt
961 ccaaaatatg taaaaagcac aaaattgaga ctggccacag gattgaggaa tgtcccgtct
1021 attcaatcta gaggcctatt tggggccatt gccggtttca ttgaaggggg gtggacaggg
1081 atggtagatg gatggtacgg ttatcaccat caaaatgagc aggggtcagg atatgcagcc
1141 gacctgaaga gcacacagaa tgccattgac gagattacta acaaagtaaa ttctgttatt
1201 gaaaagatga atacacagtt cacagcagta ggtaaagagt tcaaccacct ggaaaaaaga
1261 atagagaatt taaataaaaa agttgatgat ggtttcctgg acatttggac ttacaatgcc
1321 gaactgttgg ttctattgga aaatgaaaga actttggact accacgattc aaatgtgaag
1381 aacttatatg aaaaggtaag aagccagtta aaaaacaatg ccaaggaaat tggaaacggc
1441 tgctttgaat tttaccacaa atgcgataac acgtgcatgg aaagtgtcaa aaatgggact
1501 tatgactacc caaaatactc agaggaagca aaattaaaca gagaagaaat agatggggta
1561 aagctggaat caacaaggat ttaccagatt ttggcgatct attcaactgt cgccagttca
1621 ttggtactgg tagtctccct gggggcaatc agtttctgga tgtgctctaa tgggtctcta
1681 cagtgtagaa tatgtattta a


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Picture 1 "Home"

Description: This transmission electron micrograph (TEM), taken at a magnification of 108,000x, revealed the ultrastructural details of two avian influenza A (H5N1) virions, a type of bird flu virus, which is a subtype of avian influenza A. At this magnification, one may note the stippled appearance of the roughened surface of the proteinaceous coat encasing each virion.

Deutsch: aviäres Influenzavirus (HPAIV), elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahme

Photo Credit: Cynthia Goldsmith/ Jackie Katz

Picture 2 "News"

Transmission electron micrograph of influenza A virus, late passage.

Content Providers(s): CDC/Dr. Erskine Palmer Creation Date: 1981

Copyright Restrictions:

This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.

Note: This only applies to works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision.

Picture 3 - History of spanish flu

Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) of recontructed spanish flu virus 18 hours after infection of Mardin-Daby canin cell culture (MDCK).

Content providers: CDC/ Dr. Terrence Tumpey/ Cynthia Goldsmith, released into public domain

Copyright Restrictions:

This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.

Note: This only applies to works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision.
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