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Important Information to the users of the ffp3.com service (released at 22. April 2008)

In order to get update news on bird flu cases in absence of ffp3.com use the link below of the WHO - normally the news of WHO are delayed around 1-2 days:

Link to latest News on Bird flu by WHO

Thanks - ffp3.com

News about bird flu since April 2008:

Latest WHO news about bird flu are now available at this Link - die letzten Nachrichten zur Vogelgrippe finden Sie unter folgendem Link:


Japan develops nasal spray bird flu vaccine

15. March 2008 - 12:30 GMT+1

Japanese researchers has developed a painless bird flu vaccine which is sprayed up to the nose as AFP has reported last week.

It was effective against H5N1 as well as its subtypes.

Avian flu virus showing signs of mutations

15. March 2008 -  12:23 GMT+1

Hongkong - Last week one of the leading experts of avian flu at China, Zhong Nanshan said to Reuters that the bird flu virus has shown signs of mutation and can kill humans more easily.

He told to reporters in Bejing that vigilance should be kept up especially when H5N1 human cases surfacing at a time when seasonal influenza is at a  peak. 

"When avian flu is around and human flu appears, this will raise the chances that avian flu turning into human flu. We have to be very alert and careful in march", Zhong has said to a newspaper. 

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25-year old woman at Egypt died of H5N1

6. March 2008 - 20:30 GMT+1

Two days ago AFP has reported that 25-year old woman at Egypt has died of bird flu at Fayium - southwest of Cairo.
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Bird flu - woman died in southern China - girl at Egypt infected

26. Februar - 0:30 GMT+1

A 44-year old woman died on Monday at Guangdong, after a 22-year old chinese man even died on Jan 24. 

At Feb 21 a 41-year old man already died of the virus in southern Guangxi region. Meanwhile a 4-year-old Egyptian girl has been tested positive for bird flu relating to reports of the Ministry of health in late evening of monday Jan 25.

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New human death from avian flu at China

18. Februar - 17:46 GMT+1

The Ministry of Health of China reported today that 22-years old man died of bird flu (H5N1). First symptoms occured at Jan 16. Several days later the man went to hospital and died at Jan 24.

The initial test for the bird flu virus were positive. The Center for Disease Control of Bejing confirmed on Sunday the H5N1 virus at new tests.

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Two indonesian boys killed of bird flu

17. February 2008 - 15:38 GMT+1

Two indonesian boy died of H5N1 infection relating to reports of agent press and Reuters. A 3-year old and 16-year old boy died of bird flu and brought Indonesia´s bird flu death toll up to 105. The 16-year old boy slaughtered sick chickens of a neighbour and became ill on Feb 3. He died a week later in the city of Solo, a ministry spokesman said. 

Meanwhile bird flu has reached Ocen Park at Hong Kong and infected  birds at the city. Even at Bangladesh, Dhakan at Ramman Park bird flu infections has been reported now. Experts said that there are first signs of human to human transmission of bird flu and amusement parks are ideal tools of human-to-human transmission of the H5N1 virus.

Relating to reports of the Ministry of Health of Indonesia in Jakarta a 15 year old girl gets infected by H5N1 at Feb 2, after the 38 year old mother of the patient presented symptoms of the infection at Jan 23.

The European Union is strengthening their work at the development of a vaczine against bird flu and started a recent intiative with more around 40 million US$ in order to support 11 projects of innovative scientific solutions against bird flu pandemic.

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Indonesian woman dies of avian flu

4 February 2008 - 11:38 GMT+1

The Ministry of health of Indonesia has reported the death of a 29-year old woman from Tangerang,  who dies of bird flu and rising the death toll rate of Indonesia up to 103. The woman has been tested positive for H5N1.

Ministry spokeswoman Lily Sulistyowati said that the woman being treated in Persahabatan hospital for about a week. The source of the infection remains unclear.

(Copyright - ffp3.com)

India isoloates 26 people as bird flu spreads in Asia

3 February 2008 - 10:50 GMT+1

Relating to reports of Reuters India put 26 people in isolation with bird flu symptoms and hundreds more  people are monitored, officials said as Pakistan and Thailand reported outbreak of H5N1 in poultry.

Avian influenza has pread into 13 of 19 districts of desely populated West Bengal. The state is adjacent to Bangladesh.

In Pakistan H5N1 has been detected in a poultry farm. In Thailand the virus has been found in a second province in the north.

In West Bengal veterinary workers has culled 2.6 million birds. The focus is now on hundreds of medial and  veterinary workers. Dozens of isolation wards has been created in the affected districts to handle any sludden rash of suspected human cases. 

Health care workes are concerned about the situation at Bangladesh, where bird flu has spread nearly to half of the 64 districts. At Bangladesh 140 million people are living in a crowded environment.

The virus is threatining the livelihoods of million of people in India. 

Shahedul Alam, a government employee said: "Now we are facing a critical situation, as bird flu struck at a time when comodity prices from rice, flour to milk powder and edible oil had already nearly doubled."

(Copyright - ffp3.com)

Avian influenza - siuation at Indonesia - update 37

1 Februar 2008

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced the death of a previously confirmed H5N1 Infection. The 31-year-old female from East Jakarta, Jakarta Province died on 31 January.

Of the 124 cases confirmed today 102 has been fatal.

Source: WHO

Indonesia - bird flu out of control - 100´th bird flu death reported

30 January 2008 - 18:45 GMT+1

Indonesia reported its 100´th bird flu death as AFP reported yesterday. Experts said with sight on the reported case that the virus is out of control. On monday the death of 23-year old woman has been confirmed, who died at sunday morning in hospital. Her death brought the death toll rate to the milestone of 100 death - highlightining the deadly nature of the virus.

Ngura Maharhadika,, a virologist at Uyandaya university on the resort island of Bali said: "The virus is uncontrollable at Indonesia.... It means that viral contamination of the environment is quite high. The reason is that the virus in not under control in animals right now." 

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Avian influenza - situation in Indonesia - update 36

30 January 2008

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced the death of a previously confirmed case of H5N1 infection. The 32-year old man from Tangerang Municipality, Banten province died at 29 January.


Influenza Virus Tracking System - WHO

22. January 2008

In order to get access to the Influenza Virus Tracking System of the WHO use this link:


Avian influenza - situation in Indonesia - update 31

18. January 2008

The ministry of health of Indonesia has announced the death of previously confirmed H5N1 - infection.

The 16-year old female from West-Java Province died on 15. January 2008.

Of the 118 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 96 have been fatal.

Source - WHO

Avian influenza - situation in Indonesia - update 30

15. January 2008

The ministry of health of Indonesia has announced a new case human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 32-year old woman from Tangerang District, Benten Provine developed symptoms at 3 January 2008, was hopsitalized at 9. January 2008 and died at 10. January 2008. Investigations indicate the case had a history of close contact with birds and poultry in the week prior to the onset of her symptoms.

Cummulative number of reported cases are available at this link:

WHO - LINK - Cummulative numbers of reported cases

Source: WHO

32-year old indonesian woman died of bird flu

14. January 2008 - 14:30 GMT+1

A health official of Indonesia said on monday - relating to reports of Reuters that 32-year-old Indonesian woman died of bird flu.

The woman from Tangerang died last Thursday at home after her family had taken her out of hospital.

Two test at two different labaratories has confirmed the H5N1 infection.

"The woman bought a live chicken and some eggs at a market and cooked them.", said Suhadra Ningrum of the health´s ministry bird flu centre at Jarkata.

The death toll rate at Indonesia has been raised to 95.

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Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 3

3 January 2008

The ministry of health and population of Egypt has announced the death of a previously confirmed case of H5N1 infection. The 50 years old female from Domiatt goveronate died on 31 December 2007.

Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 2

2 January 2008

The Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt has announced two new cases of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza.
The first case is a 25 years old female from Dekerns District, Dakahlyah Governorate. She developed symptoms on 26 December, was hospitalized on 27 December and died on 30 December. The second case is a 36 years old female from Menof District, Menofia Governorate. She developed symptoms on 26 December, was hospitalized on 29 December and died on 31 December. To date, there has been no evidence of an epidemiological link between this case and the previous case from Menofia Governorate announced on the 28 December. Both women had contact with sick and dead poultry prior to illness onset. Of the 43 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 18 have been fatal.

Cumulative number of confirmed human cases of avian flu reported to WHO

3. January 2008

The current link is providing all data of human cases which has been reported to WHO until end of the year 2007. The total number of human cases by end of 2007 was 348 human infections and 216 deaths - caused by H5N1.

For details use this link:

WHO reported cases of H5N1 by end of 2007

WHO - timeline of major events

2. January 2008

The current link is presenting the WHO timeline of major events:

WHO Report timeline of major events

Cumulative Number of Confirmed Human Cases of Avian Influenza A/(H5N1) Reported to WHO

4 December 2007
- 23:00 GMT+1

The Ministry of Health in China has reported a new case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case was confirmed by the national laboratory on 2 December.





















Azerbaijan 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 8 5
Cambodia 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 2 1 1 7 7
China 1 1 0 0 8 5 13 8 5 3 27 17
Djibouti 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
Egypt 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 10 20 5 38 15
Indonesia  0 0 0 0 20 13 55 45 40 35 115 93
Iraq 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 2
Lao People's Democratic Republic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2
Myanmar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Nigeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Thailand 0 0 17 12 5 2 3 3 0 0 25 17
Turkey 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 0 0 12 4
Viet Nam 3 3 29 20 61 19 0 0 7 4 100 46
Total 4 4 46 32 98 43 115 79 77 51 340 209

Total number of cases includes number of deaths.
WHO reports only laboratory-confirmed cases.
All dates refer to onset of illness.

Pakistan - Eight human cases of suspected avian flu

16. December 2007 16:30 GMT+1

Pakistan is reporting its first human cases of bird flu. Six members of familiy among eight people has been infected by the deadly bird flu virus, according to Gregor Hartl, an WHO official and spokesman and Geneve at 15. December this weekend.Three brothers and two cousins are infected by H5N1. One of brother died.

A man from Nassau County who has returned from Pakistan was tested negative - according to health officials at New York County. The man went into quarantaine at home. Meanwhile - after the man and his son was tested negative on bird flu they are no longer in quarantine. Doctors from the US. Navy Medical Research Unit No.3 and doctors from the WHO in Geneva and Cairo will arive in Pakistan within the next two days to track the disease spread.

Avian influenza – situation in Pakistan

15 December 2007

The Ministry of Health in Pakistan has informed WHO of 8 suspected human cases of H5N1 avian influenza infection in the Peshawar area of the country. These cases were detected following a series of culling operations in response to outbreaks of H5N1 in poultry. One of the cases has now recovered and a further two suspected cases have since died.
Samples taken from the suspected cases have tested positive for H5N1 in the national laboratory and are being forwarded to a WHO H5 Reference Laboratory for confirmation and further analysis. The MoH is taking steps to investigate and contain this event, including case isolation and contact tracing and monitoring, detailed epidemiological investigations, providing oseltamivir for case management and prophylaxis, reviewing hospital infection control measures and enhancing health care-based and community-based surveillance for acute respiratory infections. WHO is providing technical support to the MoH in epidemiological investigations, reviewing the surveillance, prevention and control measures that have been implemented and carrying out viral sequencing of avian and human isolates. Multiple poultry outbreaks of H5N1 influenza have been occurring in Pakistan since 2006. In 2007, there have also been outbreaks in wild birds. A majority of the outbreaks discovered have been in the ‘poultry belt’ of North-West Frontier Province, particularly in the Abbottabad and Mansehra area and cases of infection in wild birds have been identified in the Islamabad Capital Territory. (Source: WHO)

Avian influenza – situation in Myanmar

14. December 2007

The Ministry of Health in Myanmar has confirmed the country's first case of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The case is a 7-year-old female from Kyaing Tone Township, Shan State (East).

The case was detected through routine surveillance following an outbreak of H5N1 in poultry in the area in mid-November. She developed symptoms of fever and headache on 21 November 2007 and was hospitalized on 27 November. She has now recovered. Samples taken from the case tested positive for H5N1 at the National Health Laboratory in Yangon, and the National Institute of Health in Thailand. The diagnosis was further confirmed at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo, Japan.

A team from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and the WHO Country Office are conducting investigations to confirm the source of her infection. Initial findings indicate poultry die off in the vicinity of the case's home in the week prior to the onset of illness. To date, all identified contacts of the case remain healthy and ongoing surveillance activities in the area have not detected any further cases.


Indonesian man killed by bird flu

13. December 2007

Jakarta - A 47-year-old man died from bird flu at Tangerang on thursday as officials at Jakarta said. At the same region this year a 28-year-old woman died from bird flu. The total numbers of deaths at Indonesia by bird flu increased to 93.

28-year-old mother died by bird flu at Indonesia

11. December 2007

A 28-year-old woman died of avian bird flu at Tangeran City near Jarkata - raising the death toll rate at Indonesia to 92.

Two laboratory test confirmed the deadly H5N1 strain of the disease.

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Father of bird flu victim recovering

8. December 2007

The 52-year-old man of the son who died by bird flu was recovering on Saturday, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Father of Chinese bird flu victim also infected

7. December 2007

BEIJING - The father of a Chinese man who died of bird flu has also been infected with the H5N1 virus that causes the disease, the World Health Organization reported, saying it could not rule out the possibility of human-to-human infection.

24-year old chines man dies from bird flu

The 24-year old male from Jiangsu Province, developed symptoms on 24 November, was hospitalized on 27 November and died on 2 December. There is no initial indication to suggest he had contact with sick birds prior to becoming unwell. Close contacts have been placed under medical observation and all remain well.Of the 26 cases confirmed to date in China, 17 have been fatal.

(Source: WHO)

Bird flu killed 24-year old man at China

Monday 3. December 2007 - 2:48 GMT+1

Peking - A 24 year old man died of bird flu on Sunday at Jiangsu in the east of China as chinese press agency Xinhua has reported. 

It remains unclear how the man has be infected by the avian flu virus. At present no avian flu cases at animals or humans has been recognized in the region as chinese officials has reported.

This was the 17 th death at China. Experts fears that avian flu virus can mutate and cause a pandemic.

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WHO - global sharing of bird flu data to avert pandemic

Tuesday  20 November 2007

As AFP has reported the World Health Organisation (WHO) called on its 193 member countries Tuesday to share information about strains of the deadly avian flu virus. WHO officials are warning: a pandemic could go worldwide "within months".Scientists battling the mutating virus have come up against resistance from certain countries, notably Indonesia, to share information without in return being guaranteed access to vaccines.WHO director general Margaret Chan said at the opening of an intergovernmental conference in Geneva: "We really are all in the same boat. A pandemic will reach every corner of the earth and it will do so within a matter of months. The sharing of currently circulating viruses is the only way to monitor the emergence of drug-resistant strains."Indonesia suspended the sharing of its specimens in December 2006. It did release samples from four victims to the WHO-led international  bird flu monitoring network in August. Indonesia is still far away from sharing samples from all of its 113 cases of bird flu, 91 of which resulted in death.Indonesia is the country, which is most affected by the H5N1-virus, which since 2003 has struck down 335 people in 12 countries, killing 206 of them, according to the latest official WHO figures.The WHO fears the virus will mutate to allow human-to-human transmission, provoking a pandemic like the Spanish flu of 1919 which killed around 40 million people.Chan urged that sharing of virus specimens is the key to preventing such a scenario.She said: "The sharing of viruses is the foundation of risk assessment. The analysis and the comparison of viruses give us the first clues, the first early warning, that the virus may be evolving in a dangerous way".Indonesia wants to link between information sharing and access to vaccines under a proposal submitted to the Geneva conference. The WHO hopes that until 2010 production of an avian flu vaccine can be ramped up to 4.5 million doses a year.

(Source: AFP - Copiright ffp3.com)

Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 24 
A three-year-old Indonesian boy has tested positive for avian flu but his life in not in danger, a health ministry official says. 

Nyoman Kandun, the health ministry´s director for communicable disease control,  said that the boy lives in the same neighbourhood as a five year-old girl who died of bird flu last week.

The girl's death was Indonesia's 89th fatality from the H5N1 bird flu virus.

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Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 21

25 October 2007

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 5-year-old female from the Tangerang District, Banten Province developed symptoms on 14 October, was hospitalized on 20 October and died in an AI referral hospital on 22 October.

The investigation found that there were poultry deaths in the case's neighborhood in the two weeks prior to her onset of symptoms.

Of the 110 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 89 have been fatal.



12 November 2007

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 31-year-old male from the Bengkalis District, Riau Province developed symptoms on 31 October, was hospitalized on 3 November and died in an AI referral hospital on 6 November. Identification of the source of his infection is ongoing and includes investigation into a large swallow farm in close proximity to the case's house.

Of the 113 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 91 have been fatal. (Source: WHO)

Indonesia - a 31 year old man died of bird flu - 91st death

10. November 2007 

A 31 year old man from Sumatra Island died of bird flu last week as Daswir Nurdin form the miniytry bird flu information centre told to AFP. This was the 91st death of avian flu at Indonesia. Of 113 cases 91 cases has been fatal.

The young man had fallen sick at 31 October and has been admitted ot hospital three days later.

He died on Tuesday at Pekanbaru. It is unclear wheather the man had contact to poultry of birds. The health teams which vistited the aerea didn´t find any sick dead chickens or birds.

A 8 months old baby was found less then a kilometre away. It is suspected that the children has bird flu and now it is even under treatment at hospital.

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South Korean 33-year old man died - bird flu suspected

7. November 2007 18:20 GMT+1

A 33-year-old man from South Korea died of pneumonia in Vietnam's southern Can Tho city after he developed bird flu like symptoms.

The man Lu Chin-chu died on Tuesday afternoon, 11 hours after being admitted to the Can Tho General Hospital.  At present specimens from the patient are being tested for bird flu virus strain H5N1.

His father in South Korea is suffering from pneumonia with bird flu-like symptoms.

Since 2003 hundred people in Vietnam have been recorded with H5N1 - 46 of whom died.

Copyright - FFP3.com

Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 23

5. November 2007

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 30-year-old female from the Tangerang Municipality, Banten Province developed symptoms on 23 October, was hospitalized on 31 October and died in an AI referral hospital on 3 November.

The investigation found that there were poultry deaths in the case's neighborhood in the days prior to her onset of symptoms.

Of the 112 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 90 have been fatal.


CDC- Bird Flu caused by the H5N1 virus spreads with alarming speed

3 November 2007 0:00 GMT+1

CDC has reported that H5N1 virus is spreading with alarming speed. In order to read further details click on the following link for the complete report:

CDC - Report on alarming spreading of H5N1


Margaret Chan (WHO-General Director) warns on bird flu

2. November 2007 23:30 MEZ

Margaret Chan said at the end of a one week visit at Peking that the risk of a global pandemia is ongoing. She warns not to reduce activity against avian flu and global prepardness program.

At China 20% of all humans on this planet are living - and problems at China can develop easily a global health problem to human kind, Chan said at Peking.

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Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 22

31 October 2007


Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 20

17 October 2007 - MESZ 17:25

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced the death of a previously confirmed case of H5N1 infection. The 12-year-old male from Tangerang District in Banten Province died on 13 October.

Of the 109 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 88 have been fatal.


Robert G. Webster and Louis Brown are concerned about new mutations of H5N1

16 October 2007 - 23:50 MESZ

Experts believe the latest mutation could pose deadly for millions of humans.

The bird flu has killed hundreds of people since 2003, but that number is predicted to rise dramatically in the next years.

Three conditions must be met in order to create a new pandemic virus.

1. A new influenza subtype must emerge, for which there is little or no immunity. 

2. This subtype must be able to cause illness to humans,
3. and the virus must spread easily among humans.

Louis Brown, an associate Professor of pathology and labaratory medicine at the University of Nevada school medicine and the director of the Nevada State Health Laboratory.

"H5N1 has not established efficient and sustained human-to-human transmission," Brown said.

Brown said that a mutation of the virus could encourage communicability.

A recent published study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison (see earlier reports of ffp3.com) determined that the bird flu virus has mutated and now has the ability to develop in the upper respiratory system of human beings.

Researchers discovered small but significant changes in the virus that may allow it to infect more cell types and spread more easily.

Warmer temperatures in the lungs facilitate the development of the avian flu virus.

According to Louis Brown, the latest mutation could result in "efficient human-to-human transmission due to droplets spread from coughing and sneezing."

Robert G. Webster - a world renowned expert on the avian flu and virologist (even see at video news at ffp3.com) and the director of the WHO Collaborating Center on the Ecology of Influenza and Viruses in Lower Animals and Birds.

"Previously most avian viruses were transmitted through the feces," Webster said.

He continued "In the chicken the virus can be transmitted from bird to bird in respiratory secretions. Influenza viruses in chicken houses and in live poultry markets can be transmitted through the air".

Some experts believe that as an increased number of humans and animals are exposed to the virus, it will continue to mutate and could possibly become a pandemic.


Indonesian boy dies of bird flu

13. October 2007

The health ministry of Indonesia reported that the 12-year-old Indonesian boy died of bird flu Saturday, raising the toll in the nation worst affected by avian flu to 88.

Nirwan, a staffer on duty at the health ministry´s bird flu information centre said that the boy, who tested positive for the H5N1 virus, died in a hospital at 7:30 am (0030 GMT).

FFP3.com - released at 15. October 8:45

Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 19

12 October 2007

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 12-year-old male from Tangerang District in Banten Province developed symptoms on 30 September and is currently in hospital. The investigation team found that he had direct contact with dead chicken near his school in the days before his illness.

Of the 109 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 87 have been fatal.

(Source: WHO)

Indonesia reported 109 bird flu case

12. October 2007 17:20 MESZ

Jakarta - Indonesia has reported its 109 bird flu case. As Indenosia´s health ministry has repeorted a 12-year-old Indonesian boy was confirmed Thursday to be suffering from bird flu, bringing the country's cases of the H5N1 avian influenza virus to 109.

The boy was admitted to hospital on Monday with bird flu symptoms and transferred to Persahabatan Hospital in Jakarta, which is designated to treat bird flu patients. 

Indonesia has reported 109 human cases of bird flu and 87 deaths. According to World Health Organization at least 201 people have died of the disease in 11 countries in Asia and Africa. 

 Experts and scientist fear the virus could mutate into a form easily spread among humans, triggering a pandemic that could kill millions.   


Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 18

8 October 2007

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 44-year-old female from Pekanbaru City in Riau Province developed symptoms on 1 October and died on 6 October. A team is currently investigating the case to determine the source of her exposure. All of the contacts are being monitored but all remain healthy.

Of the 108 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 87 have been fatal.


Indonesia reported 87 bird flu death - 44 year old women died

8. October 2007 23:45  MESZ

Reuters reported that an 44 year old Indonesian women died of bird flu - toll rate up to 87, as a health ministry official said on Monday.

The head of bird flu management at the hospital at Sumatra - Azizman Saad - told to Reuters that the woman, from Pekan Baru city fell sick after she bought chicken in a market last month.

"She was treated for high fever at several hospitals before finally being admitted to Arifin Achmad hospital on October 4. She died the next day," Saad said.

Indonesia has had 108 confirmed bird flu cases, of which 87 have been fatal, the highest for any country in the world.


DE92E Mutation of the H5N1-Virus

8.October 11:40 MESZ

Homology modeling and examination of the effect of the D92E mutation on the H5N1 nonstructural protein NS1 effector domain. Li M, Wang B.

Department of Chemistry and Center for Biotechnology and Drug Design, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 30302-4098, USA, wang@gsu.edu.

Virulent H5N1 strains of influenza virus often harbor a D92E point mutation in the nonstructural protein NS1. This crucial mutation has been correlated with increased virulence and/or cytokine resistance, but the structural implications of such a change are still unclear. Furthermore, NS1 protein could also be a potential target for the development of novel antiviral agents against H5N1 strains. Therefore, a reasonable 3D model of H5N1 NS1 is important for the understanding of the molecular basis of increased virulence and the design of novel antiviral agents. Based on the crystal structure of a non-H5N1 NS1 protein, a model of H5N1 NS1 was developed by homology modeling, molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations. It was found that the D92E mutation could result in weakened interactions of the carboxylate side chain with other phosphorylated residues, thereby activating phosphorylation of NS1. Figure Superposition of snapshots picked from the two molecular dynamic (MD) trajectories: a H5N1 NS1 homology model and b non-H5N1 NS1 crystal structure after 0 (green ribbon), 5 (blue ribbon) and 10 ns (pink ribbon) MD simulation.

FFP3.com - source: J Mol Model. 2007 Oct 5 [ahead of print]

High Alert on Risk of a bird flu outbreak

7. October 2007 14:31 GMT+7

Vietnam - HPAI (Highly pathogenic avian influenza) is temporarily under control in Viet Nam, however the risk of a bird flu outbreak is still on high alert. 


This was announced at a conference yesterday in Hanoi by the Director of the Preventive Health Department, Nguyen Huy Nga.

The focus of the conference was the supplementation of plans  made to protect humans from avian influenza. Those in attendance included the Ministry of Health and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Director Nga said that these mutations may affect its ability to spread by human-to-human transmission.

(Source: SGGP) - FFP3.com

H5N1 virus mutating into human-form which is able to grow at the upper respiratory tract

Friday 5.October 2007

As Reuters has reported  researchers has said on Thursday that the avian flu virus H5N1 has mutated to infect people more easily, although it still has not transformed into a pandemic strain. 

Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University Wisconsin-Madison said that the changes are worrying.

Kawoka, who led the study, said "We have identified a specific change that could make  bird flu grow in the upper respiratory tract of humans. The viruses that are circulating in Africa and Europe are the ones closest to becoming a human virus."

In a telephone interview interview he said: "I don't like to scare the public, because they cannot do very much. But at the same time it is important to the scientific community to understand what is happening".

Kawoka et al. reported in the Public Library of Science journal (PLoS) Pathogens that the recent virus samples taken from birds in Africa and Europe carry the mutation.

Mutations are needed to change a virus from one that infects birds easily to one more comfortable in humans. Such mutations can lead to a pandemic flu virus strain.

Birds usually have a body temperature of 106 degrees F, and humans are 98.6 degrees F usually. The human nose and throat, where flu viruses usually enter, is usually around 91.4 degrees F.

"So usually the bird flu doesn't grow well in the nose or throat of humans". This particular mutation allows H5N1 to live well in the cooler temperatures of the human upper respiratory tract.

H5N1 caused its first mass die-off among wild waterfowl in 2005 at Qinghai Lake in central China, where hundreds of thousands of migratory birds congregate.

Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka added that that strain of the virus was carried across Asia to Africa and Europe by migrating birds. Its descendants carry the mutation.

"So the viruses circulating in Europe and Africa, they all have this mutation. So they are the ones that are closer to human-like flu.  Clearly there are more mutations that are needed. We don't know how many mutations are needed for them to become pandemic strains."" the sientist said.


Study: Tamiflu abuse can create resistant H5N1 strains

Tuesday October  2, 21:30 MESZ

Paris -  As AFP has reported swedish scientists said that Tamiflu - the leading drug candidate to combat any bird flu pandemic - cannot be broken down by sewage systems and this could support the virus to mutate dangerously into a drug-resistant  H5N1 strain.
Around the world countries are stockpiling Tamiflu in the belief it will help curb any future outbreak of H5N1 among humans. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is not a cure for flu but can ease its symptoms. This is aiding infected patients and reduce the time and the severity of illness.

Jerker Fick, a chemist and scientist at Umea University, tested the survivability of the Oseltamivir molecule in water drawn from three phases in a typical sewage system.

He tested sewage water; the second raw was water that had been filtered and treated with chemicals; the third was water from "activated sludge," in which microbes normally are used to digest waste material.

The active ingredient  of Oseltamivir survived all three processes, which means that it is released in the waste water leaving the plant.

These  findings are important because of the risk that Tamiflu could end up in the wild in concentrations high enough to let H5N1 adapt to this key drug, the authors of the study said.

Among waterfowl, especially ducks which often forage for food near sewage outlets, flu virus are often occuring.

Bjoern Olsen, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Uppsala and University of Kalmar, who is a co-author of this study said: "The biggest threat is that resistance will become common among low pathogenic influenza viruses carried by wild ducks" .

He outlined that these avian viruses could then recombinate with ordinary human flu viruses, creating new strains that are resistant to Tamiflu.

Olson warned: "Antiviral medicines such as Tamiflu must be used with care and only when the medical situation justifies it. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will be ineffective when most needed, such as during the next influenza pandemic."

The study pointed the finger at Japan and has been published online on Wednesday by the open-access Public Library of Science (PLoS).

The paper said "Japan also has a high rate of emerging resistance to Tamiflu".  The Lancet published a study at 2004 that found that among a small group of infected Japanese children, 18 percent had a mutated form of the virus that made these patients between 300 and 100,000 times more resistant to Oseltamivir.


Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update 17

2 October 2007 23:30 MESZ

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new case of human infection of H5N1 avian influenza. A 21-year-old male from Jakarta Province developed symptoms on 18 September, was hospitalized on 25 September and died in hospital on 28 September. The investigation found that the case was an egg seller in a traditional market. All of the contacts remain healthy, where they will continue to be monitored for ten days after their last contact with the case.

Of the 107 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 86 have been fatal.

(Source: WHO)

Indonesia reports 86th bird flu death

Monday Oct 1, 12:06 PM

A 21-year-old man from the capital Jarkata at Indonesia has died from H5N1-infection last week as the health ministry said on Monday, bringing the toll in the world's worst-affected nation to 86. 

Ningrum, a doctor from Indonesia´s bird flu information centre, told AFP: "This confirmed case puts the number now at 107 infected, including 86 dead." The victim died on Friday at a hospital in West Jakarta, said Ningrum.

He had tested positive for the H5N1-Virus in two separate tests, the requirement to be reported as a confirmed case in Indonesia.

Ningrum said that the man first suffered with flu-like symptoms 10 days earlier but was only admitted to hospital three days before he died.

It was not known whether he had come into contact with infected poultry, the usual method of transmission, she added.                                 

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Bird flu virus can pass mother to child - study

27 Sep 2007 22:30:15 GMT

As Reuters has reported today  researchers has released a study where the H5N1 bird flu virus can pass through a pregnant woman's placenta to infect the unborn child. The study also found evidence of what scientist had long suspected:

The H5N1-Virus not only affects the lungs, but passes throughout the body into the gastrointestinal tract, the brain, liver and blood cells.

Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia University in New York, who directed the study said: "The work helps us to understand H5N1's high fatality rate, as well as serving as model for global collaboration in the field of emerging infectious diseases". A team at Peking University in Beijing and Lipkin studied tissue taken from a 24 year old woman and 35 year old man who killed by H5N1 in China.

At the research Center at Bejing scientist are now looking at victims of H5N1 avian influenza. At present occasionally the bird flu virus infects people and has killed 200 out of 328 infected since 2003. Experts fear it could cause a pandemic that is able to kill millions of people.

Jiang Gu and colleagues (Peking University) looked at tissue samples from throughout the bodies of the victims.

They detected genetic material from the bird flu virus in the lungs, as expected, but also in the brain, the placenta, the intestines, and in immune system cells in the blood and the liver.
As the scientest reported at the Lancet Journal - one of the most popular scientific papers - the four-month-old fetus, which died with its mother, was also infected.
The theory of a "cytokine storm" was supported by the current findings in the study.

A cytokine storm is the hypothesis that the immune system overreacts to the virus after the infection and sends out an overwhelming swarm of inflammation signaling chemicals that end up killing the patient by destyoing the tissue of affected organs.
Lipkin stated at a telephone interview "Many people have talked about cytokine storm" He added: "Here the lung findings are that the amount of damage appears to be disproportional to the number of cells that were infected. This supports the hypothesis that there might be indirect m
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Picture 1 "Home"

Description: This transmission electron micrograph (TEM), taken at a magnification of 108,000x, revealed the ultrastructural details of two avian influenza A (H5N1) virions, a type of bird flu virus, which is a subtype of avian influenza A. At this magnification, one may note the stippled appearance of the roughened surface of the proteinaceous coat encasing each virion.

Deutsch: aviäres Influenzavirus (HPAIV), elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahme

Photo Credit: Cynthia Goldsmith/ Jackie Katz

Picture 2 "News"

Transmission electron micrograph of influenza A virus, late passage.

Content Providers(s): CDC/Dr. Erskine Palmer Creation Date: 1981

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This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.

Note: This only applies to works of the Federal Government and not to the work of any individual U.S. state, territory, commonwealth, county, municipality, or any other subdivision.

Picture 3 - History of spanish flu

Transmission Electron Micrograph (TEM) of recontructed spanish flu virus 18 hours after infection of Mardin-Daby canin cell culture (MDCK).

Content providers: CDC/ Dr. Terrence Tumpey/ Cynthia Goldsmith, released into public domain

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This image is in the public domain and thus free of any copyright restrictions. As a matter of courtesy we request that the content provider be credited and notified in any public or private usage of this image.

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